Me: Yeah. Shocking.
MG: It makes him look more... human.
Me: "Look, puny humans! My eyes are frail like yours!"
MG: "See, now I'm Clark Kent!"
Me: (takes glasses off) "...and now I'm reptile-boy!! Bwahaha!!"

From GEORGE ZACHAR: We learned in January that New York City newspaper hawkers earning $9 an hour were making more than Guild members at the Youngstown Ohio Vindicator.Atrios writes:
Now, thanks to David Cay Johnston's research, we know that the average Wall Street Journal reporter makes about as much the average (striking) New York City bus driver, roughly $55,000 a year.
No doubt the various benefit and pension plans differ greatly, but it is still a sobering statistic.
Why is this a sobering statistic aside from the general belief that anyone who is a part of the "professional class" is intrinsically deserving of making more money than those who aren't?The bizarre flip side to this is the typical white-collar sneer whenever the idea of unionizing is brought up. As if unions were only good for guys who swing wrenches. Morons of the world, wake up! Your boss might like you, but his job is to fire you if you get too expensive. If you like getting paid crap for your work, then fine. But I'd only point out that, at this minute you could make more working for Starbucks than the guild members at the Youngstown Ohio Vindicator. Kind of makes your student loans seem worthless, don't it?
There's a really weird class resentment going on. White collar workers "know" they deserve more money than blue collar workers. Some blue collar workers, ones in unions and skilled workers, can make decent money. Since a lot of white collar workers actually don't get paid very well, they resent the hell out of the fact that some uneducated lout gets to buy a nicer house than they do. And, thus, we get the out of touch media coverage of the NYC transit strike.
Stephen Harper has as much right to speak for Canada as any leader or any Canadian. Will he do a less-than-sterling job? Maybe. Will he say things I would regret? Ohhhhhh, yeah. Will he spend too much time promising change and not enough defending the root proposition that this is an easy country to like? Sadly, probably so. But folks: We seriously need to stop looking for federalism's white knight. We, or those of us who rather like federalism, need to carry the water all by ourselves. Each of us. Canada is an easy proposition to defend, if only you get into the habit.How do we forget this? Seriously, who doesn't love Canada?
1) The force of gravity at the Earth's surface is 9.8m/s2.Two of these assumptions are reasonable. One is not. Can you guess which is which?
2) The speed of light in a vacuum is approximately 300 million m/s.
3) The United States of America is the only nation allowed the means to global power.
Please look at the article Commentary: China Signals War - China threatened the U.S. with nuclear war for the thrid time already.and then links to an article in the Epoch Times. Now, first of all I should point out that the Epoch Times has a pretty bad rep among Chinabloggers, known for particularly hysterical rantings about all things Chinese. That said, this did really happen:
On July 14, 2005, a top Chinese general threatened nuclear war against the United States, noting that China would destroy “hundreds of cities” in America if the U.S. honors its commitment to defend Taiwan against a Chinese attack:Okay, first of all it was a Major-General, specifically Zhu Chenghu. He's not exactly in the Chinese equivalent of the Joint Chiefs or anything. (Specifically, he is not a member of the Chinese Central Military Commission.) He is however a senior analyst, and a dean at the National Defense University. In any case, he was quickly rebuked by the Party for his comments. He very quickly ammended his remarks - no doubt at Beijing's insistence - to say that he was only hypothesizing, not presenting policy.
“… we will have to respond [to the U.S. defense of Taiwan] with nuclear weapons.” “… the Americans will have to be prepared that hundreds of [their] cities will be destroyed by the Chinese.”
In August of 2005, China and Russia held their first-ever joint military exercises, signaling a profound strengthening of their military relationship. China used diplomatic doublespeak to explain the exercises, saying their purpose was to train China’s military to counter “terrorism.” China failed to clarify whether its anti-submarine warship or its amphibious landing exercises were designed to deal with the naval forces of Islamic Jihad, Al Qa’ida, or any other land-locked terrorist group.Okay, that's kind of funny. But here's the thing - conventional military forces are asked to combat terrorism. Look at Chechnya. Not too closely, mind you - it's pretty awful. The US Navy and Marines are playing a role in counter-terrorism across southeast Asia. If you're skeptical of China's claims, fairness demands that you be equally skeptical of US claims.
After September the 11th, one question my administration had to answer was, using the authorities I have, how do we effectively detect enemies hiding in our midst and prevent them from striking us again?Seriously, if Bush believes that this is all there is to terrorism, we're fucked.
We know that a two-minute phone conversation between somebody linked to al Qaeda here and an operative overseas could lead directly to the loss of thousands of lives. To save American lives, we must be able to act fast and to detect these conversations so we can prevent new attacks.
The world is now hotter than at any stage since prehistoric times, a top climatologist announced last week. His startling conclusion comes as Nasa reported that 2005 has been the hottest year ever recorded.Aha! You admit it then! Caught in your own web of lies, aren't you now?
Dr Michael Coughlan, head of the National Climate Centre at the Australian Government's Bureau of Meteorology, said: "One probably has to go back into prehistoric times - and way back in them - to be seeing these sorts of temperatures."
Top British climatologists agree privately but are cautious of saying so in public because, naturally, no measurements were taken of temperatures then.
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese police shut down the opening of a gay and lesbian culture festival on Friday, an action participants said highlighted deep-rooted intolerance toward homosexuality.Anyway, via Angelica at Battlepanda, I love this picture:
The festival was to be a weekend of films, plays, exhibitions and seminars on the issue of homosexuality, but police raided the opening reception on Friday night and participants said they were still negotiating on whether any of the events could go ahead.
"They didn't have permission to hold this event," said a police official surnamed He.
But participants said the real issue was the subject matter.
"The attitude in China is still very conservative. They say it's illegal, but what's illegal about wanting to understand more about these issues?" asked a film student surnamed Cui....
Homosexuality was listed as a mental disorder in China until 2001 and even state media have reported the heavy pressure gays are under to stay in the closet because of traditional beliefs that homosexuality is immoral.
Susan has lived in Narnia; she has reigned as Queen of Narnia during its golden age. She and Lucy have had an intimacy with Aslan that ever Peter does not experience. She comforted Aslan during his agony before going to the Stone Table, and he let her stroke his mane. After his resurrection, she celebrated with him and he let her ride on his back. However, she now denies that any of this ever happened, and instead seeks joy exclusively through beauty products. Pullman wants us to believe that "Susan became interested in lipstick, and is therefore thrown out of Narnia." I think Lewis is really saying "Susan ceased to love Narnia, and therefore, became a pathetic figure -- a woman of 50, trying to be a girl of 21, capable of loving nothing apart from lipstick."Read the whole thing. It's a very strong case.
Susan is committing Lewis's cardinal sin: getting confused about what is real and what not. She choses to believe that Narnia is only a play-world, something which she and her three siblings made up.
Somewhere in the world a man has abducted a little girl. Soon he will rape, torture and kill her. If an atrocity of this kind is not occurring at precisely this moment, it will happen in a few hours, or days at most. Such is the confidence we can draw from the statistical laws that govern the lives of 6 billion human beings. The same statistics also suggest that this girl s parents believe at this very moment that an all-powerful and all-loving God is watching over them and their family. Are they right to believe this? Is it good that they believe this?The entire book is like this. If you're an atheist, it's glorious. If you're a believer, I may have just lost a whole bunch of friends. But Harris' arguments are incredibly strong, clear, and well written. He even attempts to propose alternatives to religion for things like ethical guidance and spiritual knowledge. It's a dense book, and I'd reccomend it to anyone with a pulse. If nothing else, it's bound to get your heart racing, for good or ill.
Consider the destruction that Hurricane Katrina leveled on New Orleans. More than a thousand people died, tens of thousands lost all their earthly possessions, and nearly a million were displaced. It is safe to say that almost every person living in New Orleans at the moment Katrina struck believed in an omnipotent, omniscient and compassionate God. But what was God doing while a hurricane laid waste to their city? Surely he heard the prayers of those elderly men and women who fled the rising waters for the safety of their attics, only to be slowly drowned there. These were people of faith. These were good men and women who had prayed throughout their lives. Only the atheist has the courage to admit the obvious: These poor people died talking to an imaginary friend.
Of course, there had been ample warning that a storm of biblical proportions would strike New Orleans, and the human response to the ensuing disaster was tragically inept. But it was inept only by the light of science. Advance warning of Katrina’s path was wrested from mute Nature by meteorological calculations and satellite imagery. God told no one of his plans. Had the residents of New Orleans been content to rely on the beneficence of the Lord, they wouldn’t have known that a killer hurricane was bearing down upon them until they felt the first gusts of wind on their faces. Nevertheless, a poll conducted by The Washington Post found that 80% of Katrina’s survivors claim that the event has only strengthened their faith in God....
Although it is easy enough for smart people to criticize religious fundamentalism, something called “religious moderation” still enjoys immense prestige in our society, even in the ivory tower. This is ironic, as fundamentalists tend to make a more principled use of their brains than “moderates” do. While fundamentalists justify their religious beliefs with extraordinarily poor evidence and arguments, they at least they make an attempt at rational justification. Moderates, on the other hand, generally do nothing more than cite the good consequences of religious belief. Rather than say that they believe in God because certain biblical prophecies have come true, moderates will say that they believe in God because this belief “gives their lives meaning.”...
It is perfectly absurd for religious moderates to suggest that a rational human being can believe in God simply because this belief makes him happy, relieves his fear of death or gives his life meaning. The absurdity becomes obvious the moment we swap the notion of God for some other consoling proposition: Imagine, for instance, that a man wants to believe that there is a diamond buried somewhere in his yard that is the size of a refrigerator. No doubt it would feel uncommonly good to believe this. Just imagine what would happen if he then followed the example of religious moderates and maintained this belief along pragmatic lines: When asked why he thinks that there is a diamond in his yard that is thousands of times larger than any yet discovered, he says things like, “This belief gives my life meaning,” or “My family and I enjoy digging for it on Sundays,” or “I wouldn’t want to live in a universe where there wasn’t a diamond buried in my backyard that is the size of a refrigerator.” Clearly these responses are inadequate. But they are worse than that. They are the responses of a madman or an idiot....
When we have reasons for what we believe, we have no need of faith; when we have no reasons, or bad ones, we have lost our connection to the world and to one another. Atheism is nothing more than a commitment to the most basic standard of intellectual honesty: One’s convictions should be proportional to one’s evidence. Pretending to be certain when one isn’t--indeed, pretending to be certain about propositions for which no evidence is even conceivable--is both an intellectual and a moral failing. Only the atheist has realized this. The atheist is simply a person who has perceived the lies of religion and refused to make them his own.
WILLIAMS: A lot of people have seen, in this series of speeches you're giving on Iraq, a movement in your position. They call it an acknowledgment that perhaps the mission has not gone as it was originally planned, that the U.S. would be welcomed as liberators.Lots of people are having fun with this today, but even if we take Bush seriously, how does he figure the US was welcomed, peacefully or not? Does Bush honestly think that a ferocious insurgency could survive in a land where the US was "welcomed"?
BUSH: I think we are welcomed, but it was not a peaceful welcome.
VANCOUVER (CP) - A Conservative leader often branded as a right-wing ideologue declared he would love his children even if they were gay, and swore not to use a constitutional loophole to overturn same-sex marriage....Well, I'm glad that the Conservative leader was brave enough to point out that while he may not love Canada, he does love his children. Even if they end up liking the butt sex.
How would this staunch opponent of same-sex marriage react if he learned his children were gay? The Conservative leader - and father of a young boy and girl - paused briefly before answering.
"It's a duty of parents to always love their children," Harper replied.
"I love my children and I'm going to love my children all my life."
That personal declaration was followed by a more substantive statement where Harper swore not to use the Constitution's controversial notwithstanding clause on same-sex marriage.
It was as adamant as he has ever been on the issue and left only the slimmest and most legally remote chance that the recent same-sex marriage law will ever be overturned.
"I will never use the notwithstanding clause on that issue," Harper said.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15 �- Months after the Sept. 11 attacks, President Bush secretly authorized the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on Americans and others inside the United States to search for evidence of terrorist activity without the court-approved warrants ordinarily required for domestic spying, according to government officials.This is entirely illegal. The government has been able to spy on people within the US for a while, but only so long as a) they aren't US citizens (though there are loopholes here) and b) the agency goes through a court.
Under a presidential order signed in 2002, the intelligence agency has monitored the international telephone calls and international e-mail messages of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people inside the United States without warrants over the past three years in an effort to track possible "dirty numbers" linked to Al Qaeda, the officials said. The agency, they said, still seeks warrants to monitor entirely domestic communications.
The greatest threat to America's success in its war on terrorism sits inside the Pentagon. The proponents of Big War (that cold-war gift that keeps on giving), found overwhelmingly in the Air Force and Navy, will go to any length to demonize China in their quest to justify high-tech weaponry (space wars for the flyboys) and super- expensive platforms (submarines and ships for the admirals, and bomber jets for both) in the budget struggles triggered by our costly wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.That, I think, is the most important point to make about any so-called China threat. It doesn't exist. There is, as yet, no conceivable argument to make that China poses a military threat to American interests. (The extent of America's attachment to Taiwan is bizarre when you really think about it. As lamentable as a hypothetical conquered Taiwan would be - and I don't underestimate or discount it - American interests would not be threatened one iota.) The threat that China does pose is an economic one. By definition, if China becomes even moderately wealthy their consumption of resources will escalate dramatically, and China's gross economic weight will give it a kind of power that America has by sheer mass.
With China cast as America's inevitable enemy in war, the Air Force and Navy will hold off the surging demands of the Army and Marines for their labor-intensive efforts in Southwest Asia, keeping a slew of established defense contractors ecstatic in the process. How much money are we talking about? Adding up various reports of the Government Accountability Office, we're talking about $1.3 trillion that the Pentagon is locked into spending on close to a hundred major programs. So if China can't be sold to Congress and the American people as the next Red menace, then we're looking at a lot of expensive military systems being cut in favor of giving our troops on the ground the simple and relatively cheap gear they so desperately need not only to stay alive but also to win these ongoing conflicts. ...
Do the Chinese have a trillion-plus dollars locked up in huge acquisition programs like we do? Are you kidding? We spend more to buy new stuff each year than the Chinese spend in total on their entire military. In fact, we spend more on operations in the Middle East each year than China spends on its entire military. Prior to the September 11, 2001, terrorist strikes, the China threat was being successfully employed to win congressional support for all manner of Big War toys that logically had no real application in the 4GW scenarios that U. S. ground forces routinely found themselves in in the post-cold-war world. (Think dirt-poor Haiti or Black Hawk Down Somalia.) But 9/11 changed all that, and the Bush administration's global war on terrorism and resulting Big Bang strategy of transforming the Middle East inadvertently shifted the budgetary argument from the capital-intensive Navy and Air Force to the labor-intensive Army and Marines....
[Robert Kaplan outlined] "how we would fight China," which is the title of the article. Not why, mind you, just how . Kaplan takes such an indirect route because the "why" argument on China frankly sucks. I mean, we're going to fight China to prevent it from becoming our biggest trade partner? ...Kaplan avoids all such arguments for just that reason—they defy logic. Instead, he simply flips the Taiwan card on the table and then he's off to the races, or, should I say, the many wars—both hot and cold—that he imagines America must inevitably wage against China in the coming decades. Why? Let Kaplan tell you himself in what constitutes the stunning thesis of his argument: "Pulsing with consumer and martial energy, and boasting a peasantry that, unlike others in history, is overwhelmingly literate, China constitutes the principal conventional threat to America's liberal imperium."
Got that?
Here's another good example of this queer logic: The Wall Street Journal recently ran a front-page story that laid out—in rather breathless detail—China's "broad push into Africa." The Chinese are accused of courting African dictatorships to gain access to strategic resources, including—God forbid!—oil. Good thing America could never be accused of similar motivations and tactics.Again, only the absurdly paranoid could call this A Bad Thing. Investment in Africa, aside from helping China's image, will do wonders for African economies. If the American government chooses not to invest in Africa, fine. I think that's cruel, but whatever. But to object when other large economies do invest in Africa, and scream about the "threat" it poses is insane.
But the Chinese aren't waging war in Africa, nor are they establishing military outposts like we are. No, China's "indirectness" comes in the form of building dams and laying roads and "cultivating desperately poor nations to serve as markets for its products decades down the road.”
My, that is scary, reflecting, as the Journal story points out, "Beijing's policy of actively encouraging its companies and citizens to set up shop in Africa at a record pace.”
However, an expert-led investigation carried out by Nature — the first to use peer review to compare Wikipedia and Britannica's coverage of science — suggests that such high-profile examples are the exception rather than the rule.It looks like Wikipedia's goal of being at least as good as Brittanica is closer than we'd like to think.
The exercise revealed numerous errors in both encyclopaedias, but among 42 entries tested, the difference in accuracy was not particularly great: the average science entry in Wikipedia contained around four inaccuracies; Britannica, about three....
Editors at Britannica would not discuss the findings, but say their own studies of Wikipedia have uncovered numerous flaws. "We have nothing against Wikipedia," says Tom Panelas, director of corporate communications at the company's headquarters in Chicago. "But it is not the case that errors creep in on an occasional basis or that a couple of articles are poorly written. There are lots of articles in that condition. They need a good editor."...
"People will find it shocking to see how many errors there are in Britannica," Twidale adds. "Print encyclopaedias are often set up as the gold standards of information quality against which the failings of faster or cheaper resources can be compared. These findings remind us that we have an 18-carat standard, not a 24-carat one."
Images of China's top leader shaking hands with two AIDS patients, meant to dispel widespread discrimination, have brought mockery instead for their now-shunned families, a state newspaper said.What an exceptional act by Hu Jintao. Seriously. That's praiseworthy, even if Hu has been pretty bad overall.
President Hu Jintao made an unprecedented visit to AIDS patients in a Beijing hospital in November 2004, urging the nation "to phase out discrimination and estrangement towards them."
Xiao Wei and Lao Ji (pseudonyms) were among those who met Hu, but state television repeatedly showed footage of the meeting without covering up their faces, China Youth Daily said.The World Health Organization says that unless China really manages to step up on this matter, they could have as many as 15 million HIV+ patients by 2015. I'm not sure what medical people say about stuff like this, but I find it hard to believe that a public health crisis couldn't be better managed if the public were less ignorant and bigoted. But maybe that's just me.
Neighbors in their village in Shanxi province, where they were infected with HIV in the 1990s through blood selling schemes, have made their life miserable ever since, the newspaper said.
"Local officials came to ask Xiao Wei's landlord to expel his family lest the whole village get infected," it said.
Lao Ji's daughter, 11, who has not contracted HIV, had been isolated by schoolmates and mocked by other children. Villagers even refuse to allow chickens raised by the family to leave their backyard, it said.
"I cannot forgive them. It's as if we have been sentenced to death by the villagers," Lao Ji's wife, who is not infected, was quoted as saying.
Yet there are two reasons why the world--and its American neighbour in particular--should pay a bit more attention to Canada. The first is a rather old-fashioned one. Canada, and especially its west, is one of the great storehouses of the commodities that the world needs in ever greater quantities--something China has recently noticed.That's us Canucks - nothing worthwhile except our oil! Not that a nation of 30 million people should be worthwhile on its own, right?
The second reason to watch Canada, as The Economist has argued before, is that it is a healthy rival to the American way. To the "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" of the American Declaration of Independence, Canada replied with "peace, order and good government" in its founding charter.This cliche gets old fast. It's true that Canada was founded - almost 140 years ago - in an oblique reaction to the United States' liberalism. But it's about as relevant to say that the US today is defined by the enshrinment of slavery in it's constitution. Not that you can't make that argument, but frankly there are far more relevant aspects to look at.
Mr Martin was a fine finance minister, but as prime minister he has, on the whole, disappointed. Rather than reform Canada's cherished but increasingly expensive state-provided health-care system, he has merely pumped ever more money into it. Although he promised to improve relations with the United States, he has not done so.Rather than reform Americas absurdly expensive and wasteful system, Bush keeps funnelling money in to it - when will the Economist condemn that, I wonder? Bush's incompetent Medicare bill is liable to cost (and waste) orders of magnitude more than anything Paul Martin is likely to do. But because it's the Economist, public = bad, private = good. Simple as that.
Unless Mr Harper excels, the election's most likely outcome is another Liberal-NDP government. That does not bode well. Economic growth is no longer outstripping that of the United States, as it did between 1999 and 2002. The gap in productivity and incomes is widening. To close it, Canada needs more investment and enterprise. Mr Martin knows that. Temporarily free from the veto of the old-school socialists of the NDP, last month the government announced tax cuts and new training schemes. That is the right ground on which to stand, but may prove untenable if the Liberals are again forced into coalition with the NDP.Okay, let's see if you follow this: The Economist says Canada needs more investment. The Liberals wanted to cut taxes. The NDP forced the Liberals to spend money (or as some economists call it, "invest") instead. But somehow, the NDP are old-school socialists. Funny, I missed the point where Jack Layton started singing the Internationale, and proposed nationalizing the Auto industry.
(AP) Virgin Galactic, the British company created by entrepreneur Richard Branson to send tourists into space, and New Mexico announced an agreement Tuesday for the state to build a $225 million spaceport.After which he'll launch his Earth-destroying laser satellite, thus holding the most powerful nations of the world for ransom.
Virgin Galactic also revealed that up to 38,000 people from 126 countries have paid a deposit for a seat on one of its manned commercial flights, including a core group of 100 "founders" who have paid the initial $200,000 cost of a flight upfront. Virgin Galactic is planning to begin flights in late 2008 or early 2009.
What's missing, alas, is any kind of statement on what role the military would play under Harper. And that matters, because he's on record as supporting Canadian involvement in invading Iraq. He's seen the light now, so there is no risk of seeing Canadian Forces committed there. But if a similar situation arose next year, would he show the same lack of judgment he showed in 2003? Would Paul Martin, for that matter?My bet is yes.
WASHINGTON - The United States is rapidly losing its influence in the Southeast Asia region to China, thanks to an overly narrow focus on terrorism and a propensity to place bilateral ties above multilateral relationships, according to US and Chinese analysts....And we can see again that the US really, really fucked up in 1997. We in the west generally don't realize how bad the Asian Crisis was, and how much damage it did to our relations with that part of the world:
By making Southeast Asia a "second front" in its global "war on terror", the Bush administration has signalled that "we care less about other areas of policy", Dalpino said, addressing a forum on China and Southeast Asia sponsored by the Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA.
Minxin Pei, director of the China Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, agrees that the US "has ceded the region to China's initiative".
He said US military policies following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks have played a significant role in the estrangement. But he dated the problem back to the Asian financial crisis of 1997 and 1998, when the Clinton administration used its influence on the International Monetary Fund to impose solutions on Asian countries that supported US economic goals in the region.Ironically, one of the pillars of the post-WWII US hegemony - the IMF and World Bank - may be the exact same thing that fatally undermines US power in Asia. Not that the rhetoric surrounding China's success doesn't sometimes go over the top:
During the crisis, "the US showed to the East Asian countries it really did not care about them", he said.
Conversely, the Asian crisis was a turning point for China's ties with the broader Asian region, said Ren Xiao, director of the Asia-Pacific Studies Department at the Shanghai Institute for International Studies.
China, Ren stressed, has built its ties with Southeast Asia out of altruism. "China's foreign policy way of thinking has much to do with its geographical location," he said. "That is to say, we must have a stable and peaceful neighboring area."I hope that's a bad translation, because otherwise it's just funny. China is deliberately, justifiably, and successfully undermining US power in Asia for its own interests. Altruism is somewhere near the bottom of the list.
Brian Chase, 38, who until Friday was an operations manager at a small delivery company, told Seigenthaler he had written the material suggesting Seigenthaler had been involved in the assassinations of John and Robert Kennedy.
Seigenthaler discovered the false entry only recently and wrote about it in an op-ed article in USA Today, saying he was especially annoyed that he could not track down the perpetrator because of Internet privacy laws.
His plight touched off a debate about the reliability of information on Wikipedia — and by extension the Internet — and the difficulty in holding Web sites and their users accountable, even when someone is defamed.
First, he's an idiot. Why should he care how many men you slept with? Then, he thought you were pure? What was his dick? Gandalf's staff or something. It was going to cleanse your vagina of other men?Now I'll be thinking of that scene from Clerks all day...
2004 XR190, however, follows a nearly circular path. And it is too distant to have come into direct contact with Neptune, travelling between 52 and 62 AU from the Sun. Its orbit is also too circular - and too small - to have been tilted by a passing star, says Allen.You just know Dr. Allen was saving that line up all day.
These traits make the object, nicknamed "Buffy" after the US television series about a vampire slayer, hard to explain. "Maybe Buffy is going to be a bit of a theory slayer," Allen told New Scientist.
Let's summarize: Cops mistakenly break down the door of a sleeping man, late at night, as part of drug raid. Turns out, the man wasn't named in the warrant, and wasn't a suspect. The man, frigthened for himself and his 18-month old daughter, fires at an intruder who jumps into his bedroom after the door's been kicked in. Turns out that the man, who is black, has killed the white son of the town's police chief. He's later convicted and sentenced to death by a white jury. The man has no criminal record, and police rather tellingly changed their story about drugs (rather, traces of drugs) in his possession at the time of the raid.First of all, the reason you should care about Cory Maye is because his case is an outrage, and he shouldn't have been convicted, much less sentenced to death. But if that's not good enough for you, there are more parochial reasons to be interested in Maye's case.
The story gets more bizarre from there.
Maye's attorney tells me that after the trial, she spoke with two jurors by phone. She learned from them that the consensus among jurors was that Maye was convicted for two reasons. The first is that though they initially liked her, Maye's lawyer, the jury soured on her when, in her closing arguments, she intimated that if the jury showed no mercy for Maye, God might neglect to bestow mercy on them when they meet him in heaven. They said the second reason May was convicted was that the jury felt he'd been spoiled by his mother and grandmother, and wasn't very respectful of elders and authority figures. The facts of the case barely entered the picture. Gotta' love the South.
It gets weirder. Maye's family terminated his trial attorney after he was convicted. In her place, they hired a guy from California with no legal experience who convinced them that he'd had bad representation (given his lawyer's closing argument, he was probably on to something). The new fellow has since failed on several occasions to file the proper appeals.
Maye's case is an outrage. Prentiss, Mississippi clearly violated Maye's civil rights the moment its cops needlessly and recklessly stormed his home in the middle of the night. The state of Mississippi is about to add a perverse twist to that violation by executing Maye for daring to defend himself.
Then there's the unfortunate business with Susan, the second-oldest of the Pevensies, who near the end of the last volume is denied salvation merely because of her fondness for nylons and lipstick - because she has reached puberty, in other words, and has become sexualized.Boy. Wonder if that'll make it to the big screen?
SAN DIEGO -- There's controversy over how the military is transporting the bodies of service members killed overseas, 10News reported.via Atrios.
A local family said fallen soldiers and Marines deserve better and that one would think our war heroes are being transported with dignity, care and respect. It said one would think upon arrival in their hometowns they are greeted with honor. But unfortunately, the family said that is just not the case.
Dead heroes are supposed to come home with their coffins draped with the American flag -- greeted by a color guard.
But in reality, many are arriving as freight on commercial airliners -- stuffed in the belly of a plane with suitcases and other cargo.
"To the reticent nations, including the United States, I say there is such a thing as a global conscience, and now is the time to listen to it,"And the White House responds with this:
Prime Minister Paul Martin's comments on U.S. environmental policy prompted a furious Bush administration official to demand a meeting with Canadian ambassador Frank McKenna, U.S. sources say.Seriously? Martin's mealy-mouthed, mildest-possible complaint about the US despoiling the planet got them all upset? See, if I'd been PM I'd have said something like this:
"To the reticent nations, including the United States, I say there is such a thing as a global climate change, and you're causing it. Stop ruining the planet, you greedy bastards."I imagine that would've got the missiles flying.
The defense also continued to use the trial to attempt to score political points.I've asked it before - would Ignatieff prefer we were involved in this mess?
After Witness A testified about conditions at the Abu Ghraib prison outside Baghdad, where she recalled lice crawling on prisoners' scalps and using pieces of cardboard as shoes to go to the bathroom outside during the winter, the defense found an opening.
"I agree that things in Abu Ghraib were, until recently, bad, but did they use dogs on you? Did they take photographs?" said one defense attorney, alluding to U.S. troops' abuse of Iraqi detainees at the prison.
"No," she replied.
I'm confused. US human rights abuses are well documented. Is John Bolton saying that the United States is not real? Does the UN Ambassador believe that his country is a figment?
U.N. human rights chief Louise Arbour warned Wednesday that the U.S.-declared war on terrorism was eroding a global ban on torture. In remarks at the United Nations in the run-up to Human Rights Day on Saturday, Arbour urged Rice to further clarify the U.S. policy on torture and rendition.
"Pursuing security objectives at all costs may create a world in which we are neither safe nor free," Arbour said. "This will certainly be the case if the only choice is between the terrorists and the torturers."
U.S. Ambassador John R. Bolton immediately responded, saying Arbour should be concentrating on "real" human rights abusers such as Zimbabwe and Myanmar — not the United States.
I was disappointed that the NDP supported the 'discriminalization bill'. As former Liberal Justice minister Martin Cauchon said: "We're not decriminalizing marijuana, to be technical, it will remain a criminal offense. What we are putting in place are alternative penalties, in using the Contraventions Act"I read that and thought to myself, "surely that can't be true!" But boy, C-17 was a lot more noxious than I believed. From the government of Canada:
Another Liberal Paddy Torsney commented: "We think, actually, with what we're proposing a person with a small amount will be more likely to suffer a consequence for breaking the law."
This bill will simply lead to the further criminalization of marijuana users and further entrench prohibition and its war on the Canadian people. It does not grant amensty to the 1.5 million Canadians arested for possesion of cannabis. And the bill doubles the sentences of peaceful marijuana gardeners.
# of Plants | Penalty |
1-3 | $250-$500 fine |
4-25 | 18 mo - 5yr in prison |
26-50 | Up to 10 yrs! |
>50 | Up to 14 yrs! |
[Marc] Emery said outside court that he'd be campaigning for the NDP after former MP Svend Robinson asked for his support when the politician was seeking the nomination for Vancouver Centre.Meaning no offense to Aiden, this is why I don't subscribe to the whole protest vote thing. I agree with the NDP on most issues, and I think they're right on this issue broadly, even if they're supporting a crappy bill. Moreover, the NDP agrees that C-17 was awful, and was on the record supporting ammendments. You want pot actually legalized? Your only hope in the near term if for the NDP and the Bloc to have enough votes for that to happen. The Liberals and Tories won't do it, simple as that.
"I'm fully endorsing the NDP in the federal election and I think that's the best thing our people can do is support the New Democratic Party in British Columbia for the federal election so I plan to actively do that," Emery said.
amidst the reactions to Paul Martin's proposed handgun ban, there are obviously a wide range of opinions, and all of them are honest, save one.No, not that. It's what he writes next:
That's the idea that there is no reason to own a gun in Canada.
This idea is an assumption that the rights -- to free expression, for almost everything we do expresses something -- of a small minority of Canadians are unimportant. Not only that, it dismisses the ideas and the culture of those Canadians out of hand, with no effort to understand them. (And please, if you say this is not a cultural question, I hope you've never let the words "gun culture" pass your lips.) Canadians who own guns clearly have their reasons. Do you understand them?Well, I don't understand "gun culture", though I'll grant such a thing exists. But cultural reasons are not, on their own, legitimate reasons for a particular activity. To make an admitted reductio ad absurdum, consider that many cultures are fiercely patriarchal, and see women as little more than property? Should the women within those cultures be exempted from the protection of the Charter? Of course not, and I certainly don't think that's what Skippy is saying. The problem with cultural protections is that on their own, they pardon far too much. Harmless cultural practices are protected, and rightly. But when a cultural practice is demonstrated to cause harm, it is a simple matter to ban it.
Li Li has lost exact count of how many men she has bedded, but she knows the number is far above 100. "I don't keep statistics," says the former journalist, 27. But she isn't averse to kissing and telling. For the past couple of years, Li has kept a blog--written under the pen name Muzi Mei--that has chronicled everything from her penchant for orgies and Internet dating to her skepticism toward marriage when it means staying faithful to one man....China and India have thus far managed to avoid pandemic-style outbreaks of HIV. Unfortunately, in both countries rates of infection are on the rise. Fortunately, both countries are better prepared to deal with it than most African countries. Given that India already has a history of using generic drugs (which the US falsely calls "illegal") and China hardly has a history of respecting intellectual property, it easy to imagine both countries will respond to growing HIV rates by producing cheap anti-retroviral drugs.
Freedom in the bedroom is a novel concept in China, where for decades communist minders dictated most aspects of people's private lives. Dressed in baggy Mao suits--hardly outfits to set the pulse racing--citizens of the People's Republic had to ask permission from local officials on everything from whom to marry to what kind of birth control to use. But these days many Chinese are walking on the wilder side....
But China's sexual revolution has also brought unpleasant side effects. Although sex education is supposedly mandatory in Chinese middle schools, "many older teachers are too embarrassed, so they tear out the pages about sex from the textbooks," says Hu Peicheng, secretary-general of the China Sexology Association in Beijing. With little knowledge of birth control, an increasing number of unmarried women are getting pregnant in a culture in which single motherhood is still taboo. A survey by Shanghai medical researcher Yan Fengting found that 65% of urban women undergoing abortions in 2004 were single, compared with just 25% in 1999. Rates of sexually transmitted diseases are skyrocketing too, with HIV infections growing most quickly among Chinese 15 to 24 years old. Brothels barely disguised as beauty salons crowd the streets of China's big cities, while certain suburbs are known as "concubine villages" because of their high concentration of mistresses.
Those extra temptations--which the communists largely eradicated after taking power in 1949--have wreaked havoc on marriages, with 1.6 million Chinese couples divorcing in 2004, a 21% rise from the year before, according to the Ministry of Civil Affairs. "Before in society, we had a sense of right and wrong," says the China Sexology Association's Hu. "Now, we can do whatever we want. But do we have any moral standards left?"Great: The Republicans are coming to China.
LONDON (Reuters) - The Law Lords ruled on Thursday that information gleaned from torture anywhere in the world was unacceptable as evidence in British courts.So why is the unelected, aristocratic House of Lords right on an issue, where the MP-hopeful for Etobickok-Lakeshore is wrong?
Rights groups immediately said the ruling sent a clear signal to governments around the world who are wrestling with accusations that they participated in, provided facilities for, or used evidence in court extracted from people detained as part of a CIA programme known as "rendition".
The decision by the country's highest court to refuse evidence obtained under torture in third countries comes a day after the United States explicitly banned its interrogators from treating detainees inhumanely after widespread anger and pressure from European governments and the U.S. Congress.
"Torture is an unqualified evil. It can never be justified. Rather it must always be punished," said Lord Brown, one of seven Law Lords asked to rule on the issue.
Q. President George W. Bush has declined to be interviewed by you. What would you ask him if you had the chance?
A. What in the world prepared you to be the commander in chief of the largest superpower in the world? In your background, Mr. President, you apparently were incurious. You didn't want to travel. You knew very little about the military. . . . The governor of Texas doesn't have the kind of power that some governors have. . . . Why do you think they nominated you? . . . Do you think that has anything to do with the fact that the country is so [expletive] up?
HONG KONG (AFP) - Beijing could hint at the possibility of granting full democracy to Hong Kong by 2017, a newspaper report said Wednesday, after tens of thousands of people demanded universal suffrage at a weekend rally.You know what's funny? In the world of Chinese politics, this probably counts as progress. See, sometime soon a leader might talk about democracy! In 12 years! Whoo! We're partying now!
THREE Chinese actors have evoked outrage and jubilation in the internet chatrooms of China by appearing as Japanese geishas in the film Memoirs of a Geisha. Ziyi Zhang, China's most famous actress, has attracted epithets and accolades from "shameful traitor" to "graceful beauty" for her role.The one thing this story missed is my favourite over-the-top quote related to this issue: One overheated commentator wrote (from my memory) "It's not just Ziyi Zhang getting fucked by a Japanese, it's all of China getting fucked by Japan!"
The outrage stems from the anger that most Chinese still feel over Japan's brutal occupation before and during World War II....
"How could Zhang be willing to portray a geisha? And how could she kiss her lover, played by a Japanese actor? "Why did Zhang accept the role of a Japanese prostitute?" asked one participant in an internet chatroom. "Why did she allow a Japanese man on top of her?" another asked.
Of all the elements of Christianity, the most repugnant is the notion of the Christ who took our sins upon himself and sacrificed his body in agony to save our souls. Did we ask him to? Poor child Edmund, to blame for everything, must bear the full weight of a guilt only Christians know how to inflict, with a twisted knife to the heart. Every one of those thorns, the nuns used to tell my mother, is hammered into Jesus's holy head every day that you don't eat your greens or say your prayers when you are told.I realize this horrible woman is still dealing with old childhood traumas here, but holy hell that's awful. I'm not a Christian, but to call the notion of Christ's sacrifice "repgunant" because we didn't ask for it really is repugnant. It was horribly bowdlerized by Mel Gibson, but if you believe in it, the story of Christ's death if an incredibly moving act - because not only was it not asked for, but Christ was mocked and tormented on his way to Golgotha. As for the guilt that Christians inflict, the point isn't that Edmund should feel guilty because Aslan died, but because an innocent died in Edmunds place. Screw what the nuns told this crazy lady, if the character of Edmund didn't feel guilt over Aslan's death, he'd hardly be a sane person - he'd be a psychopath.
The most dangerous thing you can do is to take any one impulse of your own nature and set it up as the thing you ought to follow at all costs. There's not one of them which won't make us into devils if we set it up as an absolute guide. You might think love of humanity in general was safe, but it isn't. If you leave out justice you'll find yourself breaking agreements and faking evidence in trials "for the sake of humanity" and become in the end a cruel and treacherous man.And while we're at it, CS Lewis rebuts Paul Martin:
Of course God knew what would happen if they used their freedom the wrong way: apparently He thought it worth the risk.Both from Mere Christianity.
A roadside bomb explosion has killed 10 U.S. marines and wounded 11 others near Fallujah, in one of the deadliest attacks on American troops in recent months, military officials announced Friday.I know it's callous to use the deaths of these Marines for my own political purposes, but it's a question the Liberal candidate for Etobicoke-Lakeshore needs to answer: Should Canadians be dying in Iraq for an impossible goal?
The marines were on foot patrol at the time. They were hit by what the military calls an improvised explosive device, made from several large artillery shells.
Look, guerrillas aren't going to set up a pressure plate with four 122mm shells and wait. They fucking knew these folks were coming. Maybe the cops told them, maybe the Army, but someone observed them, noted the number of men and the pattern and devised the best way to design that trap.One of the most basic prerequisites for any reasonable argument in favour of humanitarian intervention is this: You need to be able to make the situation better through intervention. This isn't just common sense, it goes back to Just War theory as Christian thinkers have understood it for centuries.
So, come this week, some very unlucky patrol walks into this carefully laid trap and were hit.
The Marine spokesman said some bullshit about how "this is how the insurgents fight". No fucking kidding. They use their ample intelligence resources to deliver the most pain at the lowest risk to themselves. That's what guerrillas do....
We are NEVER going to train an Iraqi Army worth a damn. Why?
Because the first thing the compent Iraqi Army would do is turn on the US like a rabid dog. So we send them out in pickups, while Marines laugh at them for doing so. The problem is that many of them speak some English and most of us don't speak any Arabic. They smile in our faces, they do their jobs, but they hate us. Too many Americans die in ambushes and traps for that to be untrue.
But neither Japan nor China has any real vision of what Asia should look like, certainly not a vision other countries will buy into. Simon Tay, a Singaporean scholar, explains, "People speak of China's 'soft power.' But this is a misunderstanding of the term, coined by Joseph Nye. Soft power means the appeal of one's culture, ideas and principles. China has no soft power. No one in Asia wants the Chinese dream or pines to live in a Chinese world. Even the Chinese don't really know what that would mean."Actually, the whole article is interesting, in that Asian leaders are starting to think seriously about what they want Asia to look like in the next century.
China has used soft power only in the sense that it has exercised its power softly.
But the broadest reason for the shift is that Asian countries are beginning to see China's rise as the complex phenomenon that it is. In Japan, India and much of Southeast Asia there is still great hope that China's growth will be an economic boon for them. But there is also a realization that an Asia dominated by China would not be in their interests. "We want a solar system with many suns," says Raslan.Like Tatooine? Cool!
Xerography is bringing a reign of terror into the world of publishing because it means that every reader can become both author and publisher... Authorship and readership alike can become production-oriented under xerography. Anyone can take a book apart, insert parts of other books and other materials of his own interest, and make his own book in a relatively fast time. Any teacher can take any ten textbooks on any subject and custome-make a different one by simply xeroxing a chapter from this on and from that one... [But ] Xerography is electricity invading the world of typography, and it means a total revolution in this old sphere.I'm not a huge fan of McLuhan, but this is brilliant. He foresaw people "Rip, Mix and Burn"-ing their own content decades before it was even possible. Similarly, he foresaw the reign of terror it would bring. Craziness.
-The Medium is the Massage, p. 123 (quoted in Eva Hemmungs Wirten, No Trespassing, p. 66)
Former Tory prime minister Kim Campbell says she doesn't think Stephen Harper will win the federal election because Canadians are too afraid of his party's social conservative agenda....At my place of employment, we've recently taken on a bunch of new seasonal help for the Christmas rush. One of them said to me on Wednesday: "Canada's never had a woman PM, right?"
"Their (the Conservative party's) positions are too socially conservative, I think, to form a government in Canada," said Campbell about the Jan. 23 election. "People may like their fiscal policies but they're frightened by their social conservatism...It's a pity because it denies people a choice on policy issues."
Campbell served as the first female justice minister and defence minister before becoming prime minister after Brian Mulroney stepped down as party leader.
But she only held the post for just more than four months after calling an election in 1993, when the Progressive Conservative party was reduced to two seats in the House of Commons. Campbell lost her own Vancouver seat and she retired from politics.
It is time for those who strongly oppose a conservative government to recognize that we already have one. And it is time for those who strongly oppose a conservative government to send a clear message to the Liberal Party, that we will not stand for a government of bullshit artists who talk from the left side of their mouths and govern from the right.I'm not there with you yet, Wonderdog. But if Martin doesn't try something radical like campaigning for office soon, it's going to happen anyway - with or without the NDP.
It is time to recognize that Canada has only one left-wing party, and two conservative parties. Our choice is between a social democratic party, a strongly conservative party, and a conservative party that calls itself "Liberal." It is time to take the fiction of a "Liberal Party" down to the gravel pit, shove its head underwater, and hold it there until bubbles stop coming up.
It is time to hand Paul Martin the stomping he so richly deserves, to knock him down and kick him until he bleeds, and then to shove his vile, rotten carcass down the steps of parliament into the street where it will be slowly picked apart by seagulls.
It is time, in short, to make Paul Martin the next Kim Campbell.