Thursday, March 31, 2005

Oh CBC, Not You Too

In my continuing series of posts designed to guarantee I never find employment in my father's shop, I need to yell at CBC again.

Like the rest of the major media outlets, CBC has bought the line that Schiavo's feeding tube was removed "by her husband's request".

No, no it wasn't. What this was, was 7 separate courts (within them, 23 different judges!) all agreeing that it was Theresa Schiavo's will that she not be kept alive in a hopeless state. Therefore the court, acting on Theresa's behalf, ordered the tube removed. That the husband supported this is clear, but it wasn't his will or his doing we're talking about. This is what Mrs. Schiavo wanted, not her husband or her family.

It would be nice if the media had kept that in mind, but I guess these issues are so complicated that an undergrad writing on a free blog is the only one who can truly expound upon them. Morons.

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