Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Mac People Are Weird

Over the last 40 years, display technology for computer terminals has gone through many changes. We've gone through
- Paper printers for teletypes.

-Glass screens for same teletype machines.

-Monochrome CRT screens.

-4-color screens capable of pretty lousy resolution, still CRT.

-Color monitors of increasing capability and resolution.
To today, flatscreen monitors capable of millions of pixels of resolution. Which we then use to display a terminal screen that looks like a glass teletype screen.

Really? Is this what we need?

(Lest anyone accuse me otherwise, I am in fact jealous.)


Anonymous said...

Old is the new new. Which, by the way, is totally the new black.

Well, if you're going to be running a text-only command-line terminal, why not give it an interesting look?

Anonymous said...

Oooh! Somebody needs to combine this with Textmode Quake!