Friday, September 02, 2005

Sorry folks...

I'm going to unplug for a while. Not only am I moving tomorrow, but the news from New Orleans is making me so angry that I'm getting angry at the people around me, and that's just stupid. So I'm going to try and not watch the news for a while, and hope that things get better before Monday. I'll be back in a few days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm loving your commentary about hte disaster- it's right on. You're incredibly right that this is when politics matters most. Perhaps it's not constructive to blame people for an act of nature-but it's damn well justified to blame Bush and the GOP for standing around giving press conferences with their "what do you want from me?" tone, sleeves rolled up and hands quivering at their sides, ready to reach into invisible holsters... all the while millions of the urban poor starve and suffer. Well, maybe the South will know better next time than to vote for a Republican...