Friday, September 02, 2005

Some More Quick Hurricane Thoughts

Just a quick post on the run:

First off, the GOP talking point that "there was so little warning" is just plain wrong. We knew - knew - that the Levees in New Orleans weren't cleared for a storm more powerful than a category 3. Katrina was rated category 4 by the Friday before the storm hit New Orleans. At the very least, they had three days to begin preparations for the evacuation. This would have made an incredible difference.

Secondly, the slightly older GOP talking point that these victims "chose to stay" is the most horrible abuse of the english language I've ever heard. Yesterday, Vicki suggested to me that Bush is letting these poor blacks die because they aren't worth the money to save. I'd hoped she was wrong - today I'm not so sure.

Thirdly, how the hell does an American city turn in to Mogadishu? Where the hell are the feds?

Oh shit, the Astrodome is now turning away refugees. Refugees in America. Jesus, just typing the words is weird.

Oh, and I just watched CNN cover the Congressional Black Caucus' press briefing - until, that is, the speakers began criticizing the Press for their coverage of this disaster. CNN quickly cut to a Pentagon briefing the moment a CBC speaker started criticizing the press for talking about looters without context. CNN went back to the CBC briefing as that speaker was getting off the stage.

As Atrios has been putting it,


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