Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Star Wars Anticipation

Okay, let's all admit that Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones were possibly the worst movies ever. In fact, given Lucas's move to write Hayden Christensen in to the end of Jedi, the craptitude of Eps 1 and 2 is now seeping in to the original trilogy. All this is dismaying, to say the least. So I'm not exactly quaking like a protocol droid in anticipation for the final installment. Why bother, when there's so much better SciFi out there.

In that spirit, I present Scott Kurtz, who sums up my feelings on these matters exactly. Also, go watch the Serenity trailer. And, if you can borrow/buy/steal Firefly on DVD. Or, if you want a critical opinion of Firefly, go read August here. But really, don't listen to him - he's a commie pinko anarchist. Joss Whedon is God.

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