Monday, May 09, 2005

Extra! Extra! The Liberals Do Another Stupid Thing!!!

So, the airline industry, after a half-century of making almost zero profits*, is getting another bailout from the government. Huzzah.

Okay, real slow now: We shouldn't be spending more money on airline travel. Yes, this is a big country, and occasionally, you might need to get somewhere in a hurry. I understand, really I do. But air travel is already heavily, HEAVILY subsidized, and still struggles to make it economically. Not to mention the fact that it consumes a large percentage of our national oil supply. We'd be far, far better off to spend the money on re-investing in rail.

*It's true. Despite hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidies, the airline industry has posted little to no profits over the last 20 years, and few enough before then. Though, ironically enough, profits were better in the heavily-regulated era than they've been since.

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