Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Migraines are fun

Actually, they really really aren't. At least, I think I had a migraine - splitting headache, waves of nausea, ineffective Aspirin, the whole nine yards. It didn't make my work experience very pleasant, let me tell you.

Regarding my "fuck the Sri Lankans" post earlier, I did not in fact mean to imply that the Sri Lankans were less deserving of money than African AIDS victims, only that African AIDS victims were at least as deserving of aid money. And, for the record, I don't think that it's racism alone that determines our aid levels - the people of Indonesia or Sri Lanka would probably not be comfortable in the Deep South, after all. However, I think it shows how little we're willing to give when it comes to helping people. Toss a few buck their way, and make it better? Sure. Actually attempt long-term education and development to save disease victims? Not so much. Give up loan payments or patents? Not on an African's life.

As for the matter of bearing responsibility for their respective misfortunes, I would argue that given the history of colonialism in Africa (both the Victorian and Cold War kinds) AIDS victims are as much victims of chance as they are of HIV. AIDS is not simply a medical problem, like starvation is not a matter of agriculture.

All that said, glad to see the comment sections lighting up. If I manage to post anything else of interest, please continue!

Final news of the day: The Turkish Lira has been revalued by Parliament removing 6 zeroes from the currency. That's right, until yesterday, the Lira was valued at 1.6 million lira to the dollar. So the Lira is no longer the most worthless currency on Earth - we're looking at you now, Romanian Leu!

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