Wednesday, July 23, 2008

McCain: Incipient Fascist

There's no other word for when politicians use language like this: seems to me that Senator Obama would rather lose a war in order to win a political campaign
The Republicans -- even John McCain -- know that they're almost certainly going to lose. So their only hope for 2012 or 2016 is to lose ugly, and to spread disgusting tales about how the Democrats stabbed the army in the back. If only we had one leader with the fortitude of St. Petraeus, they'll say, who didn't have to negotiate with Congress or pander to be elected...

Since the '06 elections, I think a lot of people thought things were turning around. They're not. The American Crisis continues, and is going to last so long as Republican politics are allowed in polite company. The government of Weimar-on-the-Potomac is actually very unstable, and even if Sen. Obama wins in November there's no telling what the GOP will do to stop any progress whatsoever. If you thought the Clinton years were bad, just wait.


Anonymous said...

That seems big news. I wonder if it's premature to call both the election and the ware a done deal ...

Anonymous said...

oops, for some reason I thought I was commenting on this:

Iraqi Prime Minister Backs Obama Troop Exit Plan