Thursday, November 17, 2005

Woodward is Slime, continued

Ugh. Bad enough he's working with the Bush Administration. But now he's using their patented "deny the linearity of time" defense, as in "there are terrorists in Iraq now, so obviously Bush was right to attack in 2003." From Americablog:
1. Woodward says that when he learned Plame's name (in mid-June 2003), he was in the middle of finishing a book, and that's why he didn't want to come clean with his executive editor at the Washington Post about his involvement in the Valerie Plame affair - he was afraid of getting subpoenaed while working on the book....

But no one was being subpoenaed in June 2003, no one was even talking about subpoenas at that time. Patrick Fitzgerald wasn't even appointed as special prosecutor until December 2003, and the first journalists, from NBC and Time, weren't subpoenaed until May 2004. Judy Miller wasn't subpoeaned until August 2004, and she didn't do jail time until summer 2005.
Bob Woodward has been spending too much time with the wrong crowd. Lie down with dogs...

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