Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Why I Don't Subscribe

The Globe and Mail gives room to too many liars. Some may remember my feud against Margaret Wente. Wonderdog hates Marcus Gee, and with good reason.

I can't give the Globe money until they get rid of these liars.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more.

Mr. Gee and Ms. Wente have almost the same effect on me as a video of Bush jr. or our own, made in Canada Moron, Harper. I have only to read a sentence or two before I involuntarily start shouting down the lies and distortions. I'm sure that I'm blocked from their email by now because I have sent several scathing reviews of their propagandistic columns complete with the documentation to back up my positions and have never received an acknowledgement that the emails were received. (Even Brooks, that toady at the Times sends out automatic notifications of delivery.)

As someone said a few months ago, (referring to a Fox newscaster who was interviewing the speaker), "I realize that you weren't hired for your intelligence, Mr. X - you were hired for your ideology...." The same surely applies to these two outright liars. Aren't there any intelligent people writing from the right?