Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Um... Who's Driving This Thing?

So apparently, Rumsfeld is trying to back off from responsibility for the Iraq War. You might remember that Rumsfeld is the Secretary of Defense, and thus second only to the President in the chain of command. Still, apparently Rummy was never wild about the whole Iraq thing:
Rumsfeld never pretended there was anything off-chancy about the timing of the memo when he discussed it with Bob Woodward, who wrote about the document in his authoritative history of Iraq war preparations, Plan of Attack. In that account, Rumsfeld portrayed the memo as a warning blast, an attempt to do "everything humanly possible to prepare" Bush for the awful responsibility that had settled onto his presidential shoulders -- and his shoulders alone. For there comes a point when even the secretary of defense must realize that "it's not your decision or even your recommendation," Rumsfeld reflected with Woodward. By which he meant the Iraq war wasn't Don Rumsfeld's decision or recommendation.
Bush: I didn't make any mistakes, I was misinformed by my subordinates.

Rumsfeld: I may be his subordinate, and I may have misinformed him, but he owns this shit.

(Former CIA Director) Tenet: Dude, what's this knife in my back? And where did these cement boots come from?

The ongoing story of the White House crack-up is rapidly becoming both funnier and scarier. If nobody's responsible for Iraq, how did America get there?

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