Saturday, September 24, 2005

I Continue to Love Wikipedia

In researching the last post, I found myself reading about the British Monarchy (why not?) where I followed a link in this paragraph:
As of 2004, the European monarchs and former monarchs descended from Victoria are: the Queen of the United Kingdom, the King of Norway, the King of Sweden, the Queen of Denmark, the King of Spain, the King of the Hellenes (deposed) and the King of Romania (deposed). The pretenders to the thrones of Yugoslavia and Serbia, Russia, Prussia and Germany, Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Hanover, Hesse, and Baden are also descendants.
Russia?, says I. Really? My understanding was that the Bolsheviks were pretty thorough in their de-Romanovication of Russia. But apparently I'm a retard, because this lady claims to be the Queen of all Russia. Obviously, I'm the crazy one. My favourite line in the entirely-too-surreal piece comes near the end:
Maria Vladimirovna of Russia is the 109th heir in the Line of Succession to the British Throne.
So if numbers 1 through 108 kick the bucket, she'll be there in a flash.

And now I'm thinking of King Ralph...

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