Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I am clearly a racist

...so say the neocons. Still at work, apparently. This makes me laugh:
I can understand--though not appreciate--Americans who don't want to see Americans dying in Iraq because they value American lives more highly than they do Iraqi ones.
Now, I don't actually believe that American lives are more worthy than Iraqis -- I believe the US should leave Iraq because, relative to continuing the status quo, fewer people on both sides will die. But there is someone who should absolutely act on the principle that American lives are more valuable to him than Iraqi lives, and also has the capacity to affect a major change in Iraqi affairs.

That would be George W. Bush. His official role is President of the United States of America. He holds no political role in Iraq, and can claim no mandate to represent them. His role as Commander-in-Chief (he likes it when you call him that) is meant specifically to protect and defends Americans. Bush has no rightful role as defender of the world's poor or huddled masses. His job in fact requires that he see American lives as more important than other, non-American lives. There's nothing wrong with that, in the grand scheme of things. However, considering that keeping US soldiers in Iraq will accomplish nothing other than more dead Americans, it's clear the same principle requires that he pull US troops out of Iraq, immediately.

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