Monday, September 11, 2006

Things I Remember Thinking Five Years Ago Today

-"Well, that second plane pretty much scotches my 'accident' theory."

-"Ten thousand? Merciful Jesus, let it not be ten thousand."

-"Oh fuck, my aunt lives in New York!" [she was fine.]

-"If ten thousand Americans died today, the only question is where and when Bush starts dropping nukes." [so very glad to be wrong about that one.]

-"Where the fuck is the President?"

Things I didn't think five years ago today

-"I really, really hope George W. Bush takes this opportunity to attack Iraq."

-"You know what would be swell? If we attack the country that harbored these criminals, and then totally fuck up the war so that five years from now the Taliban are on the offensive again."

-"Boy, the election fiasco in Florida is certainly irrelevant now. After all, if there's any time when knowing who the legitimate President is, it's certainly not times of war."

-"Just goes to show you can't trust Muslims. We should invade their countries, convert them, and kill their leaders."

-"We need to suspend constitutional protections for prisoners in this new war. After all, the terrorists hate us for our freedoms."

This has been an installment of "John's thoughts during crucial moments in history". Collect the whole set for your kids!


Anonymous said...

3000 people murdered 5 years ago today and this is the best you can do, now you know why 88% of Candians just dont understand or will ever vote for the NDP. Like it or not, its the truth.

john said...

Lot of numbers in that comment. Too bad that your math is off. A whopping 18% of Canadians (yes, snark!) voted for the NDP last election, meaning only 82% of Canadians will never understand or vote for the NDP! Aha! Take that!

As for "the best I can do", I don't even know what that's supposed to mean.