Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Mythical Defense of Liberalism

Furthering the argument made by Max here, I'd like to say that I think the Euston Manifesto, the so called "Liberal Hawks", and anyone who thinks that The Left needs to be reminded about the virtues of "enlightenment values" need to be kicked to the curb, like yesterday.

The idea that I oppose the war in Iraq or even the war in Afghanistan because I'm insufficiently serious about my Charter rights is insane. Any even cursory glance at history would see that the biggest danger to liberalism is war - not dangers from outside invaders, but dangers from our own governments. It was not, after all, the Japanese government which locked up Canadian citizens and seized their territory without trial during WWII. We did that all on our own.

Bin Laden doesn't pose a threat to my right to free speech. Stephen Harper does, and so did Martin, Chretien, and Mulroney before him. Not because these men are especially evil, but because these men have - during their terms in power - the ability to throw me in jail for what I say. (While I appeal to the courts, I'll still be in jail.) Bin Laden does not, will not, and can not.

You seriously want to defend liberal values, end the war. You want to engage in some juvenile fantasy that if we just bomb brown people enough, they'll see the virtues of Locke and Rousseau, fine. But don't pretend you're doing me any favours. All these alleged Liberals are doing is putting my liberty at a far greater risk than it was before.

It's even more ridiculous considering the people who most want to convince us to fight this war are de facto backing Bush, who seems to think that liberals only value our thirty pieces of silver. I don't need to be taught that free speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of the press are good things. Bush does. I don't need to be taught the virtues of spirited - even acrimonious - political debate. Bush does. I certainly don't need to be taught the virtues of a secular state separate from the church. Bush does.

This war in defense of liberalism and enlightenment values would be a lot easier of one side wasn't constantly trying to restrict the press, jail protesters, fund their personal churches, and ignore the rule of law. Hint: it's not the Left.

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