Thursday, September 07, 2006

Exactly Right

Kevin Drum nails it, and in the process shows he hates freedom:
There's an easy question that provides some moral clarity here: If someone else did this to American prisoners, would you consider it torture? If you would, then it's torture when we do it too.
Silly Kevin. Didn't you listen when the President said it? America does not torture. So if America does it, it's not torture. Iran tortures people, so when the Iranians do it, it is torture.

What's so hard about that?


McGuire said...

Spare the relativistic BS. Terrorists deserve the treatment they got. It's really disappointing to see Bush cave into the Democrats on the important issue

Mike said...

So you are ok with torture then, Mcguire? So to hell with the US Constitution, the UN Declaration of Human Rights and every thing else. Its ok to do things to people simply because you judge they they deserve it.

You my boy need to grow up and get a moral compass.

McGuire said...

Terrorists do not have protections under the US constitution & to hell with the UN & what it thinks. they are responsible for so many of the world's problem thir opinions don't count