Friday, August 11, 2006


It never ends. via Mojo Blog, Not satisfied with wars in Lebanon and Iraq, threatening wars against Syria, Iran, and North Korea, the Weekly Standard now wants to attack Pakistan.

I'm sure a detailed response to this insanity is unnecessary, so let me just introduce Mr. Joscelyn to the F-16 fighter, manufactured by a division of Lockheed Martin. It can turn at 9 Gs, reach speeds up to Mach 2, and carries up to 6 air-to-air missiles. With planes like the F-22 or the JSF not yet in full service, it is almost certainly one of the best combat aircraft in production today.

And America has so far sold Pakistan a total of 24 of them.


Olaf said...


You guys are beauties... seriously, did you even read the article? IN ABSOLUTELY NO WAY does the Weekly Standard suggest that it "now wants to attack Pakistan". What the hell is wrong with you people? Provide one quote where the WS suggests that it thinks that it is a good idea to attack Pakistan, or admit that you're just full of shit.

john said...

"Will the U.S. and U.K. pressure Pakistan to arrest those terrorists now, if they have not yet? Or, will the U.S. and U.K. attempt more aggressive measures, as they did earlier this year when America bombed a home thought to have housed al Qaeda's Ayman al Zawahiri?"

Anyone who's been, I don't know, awake for the last five years should know what that paragraph means when it's written in the Weekly Standard. Yes, it's written in plasible-deniability-speak, but it's clear if you've got a brain olaf.