Monday, August 14, 2006

Quotes of the Day

At best, the policy is a gigantic gamble that a stable and decent regime can be established in Iraq and that this can produce reform in the other countries and a settlement between Israel and the Palestinians. In this case, the United States might gain much more support and approval, if not love. But anything less will leave the United States looking neither strong nor benign, and we may find that the only thing worse than a successful hegemon is a failed one. We are headed for a difficult world, one that is not likely to fit any of our ideologies or simple theories. [emphasis added.]
-Robert Jervis on the Bush Doctrine
Barbara Tuchman, writing about Chiang Kai-Shek, said that as much as power corrupts, powerlessness corrupts even more. I've been thinking about that line a lot recently.
“Power always sincerely, conscientiously, de tres bon Foi, believes itself Right. Power always thinks it has a great Soul, and vast Views, beyond the Comprehension of the Weak; and that it is doing God’s Service, when it is violating all his Laws.”
-John Adams, writing to Thomas Jefferson

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