Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Prudhoe Bay shutdown

So apparently severe corrosion has shutdown the pipelines leading from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska.

This would be a moderate-to-big deal in the best of times, and if you hadn't noticed, these aren't the best of times for oil prices. Oddly, prices haven't moved that much.

The reason seems to be that the US west coast has adequately stocked up on crude supplies, so this (hopefully) brief interruption shouldn't do too much damage.

Now, just pray we don't get a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No sweat! Bring 'em on! After the last two 'canes Exxon reversed the flow of an 800 mile pipeline that is now pumping 66,000 barrels a day of Canadian crude to Gulf Coast refineries! Yea NAFTA!
