Friday, August 04, 2006

My Fantasy

So the Bush Administration's response to the Supreme Court is out, and it's basically what you'd expect: Having been told they need to obey the law, the Bush Administration is changing the law, and making it much, much worse.

Now, I'm not proud of this, but I sometimes think the perfect revenge on the Bush Administration would be, once they're out of office, to detain Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Bush and subject them to the Kafkaesque mockery of justice they've constructed for the rest of us.

Just a dream I have, sometimes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm with you, john, but I wouldn't call it revenge, I'd call it justice -- of the sweet, sublime, petard-hoisting, cosmically ironic kind, as satisfying as a perfect sunset at the end of a perfect day that reminds us that every once in a while the universe unfolds exactly as we wish it would.

It's my dream that somewhere in the USA is the real-life counterpart of FBI Agent Jake Edelman in Jack L. Chalker's A War of Shadows, and a real-life organization like the Friends of Mickey Mouse (read it: it's vintage 1979 but it's got a lot of startling paralells to the awful mess the USA is in right now). A small spoiler here: our hero Jake and his Friends use the government's totalitarian powers against it, because Jake realizes that if there are no legal constraints on the country's internal enemies, there are likewise none of its internal defenders. Very juicy.

I'd also recommend Poul Anderson's Sam Hall (1953!) for an amazingly prescient take on what could be just around the corner for the USA if the political trends of the last five years are allowed to continue. (Among other things, he rather accurately described the Total Information Awareness project.)