Thursday, August 10, 2006

I'm a student of history, too

Fred Kaplan has an interesting column on Condi's repeated assertions (something the President has echoed) that, "as a student of history", she takes in the big picture. Condi, y'see, isn't worried about details like "Iraq is having a Civil War, and we're invited" or "Lebanon is dying, with 1/4 of the population displaced." No, Condoleeza Rice, Phd, knows that the government is going to be judged by the Muses as they weave their tapestry and tell the heroic story of Bushcules and his mighty tasks.

Meanwhile, the American people are already passing judgment on Bush, and it don't look good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is just a reformulation of "the ends justifies the means" argument. Those having more than a passing familiarity with history will also recognize that many others, including the old line communists, were able to rationalize their actions in similar ways.