Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Actually, Hezbollah won twice

Wow. Not satisfied with merely surviving in the face of a major Israeli offensive, Hezbollah is now vowing an "unlimited budget" when it comes to rebuilding damage done by Israel.

Frankly, if I were in the Israeli or American governments, I'd be humiliated right now. First, Hezbollah "wins" against Israel by staying alive and operating as a cohesive force. Secondly, it looks like Hezbollah is also going to show the Americans what a competent rebuilding program looks like after a war.

For too long, we expected our enemies to act like idiots. In Hezbollah, we may finally - in a small way - have gotten a competent adversary. And while we used to be competent when it came to fighting wars and rebuilding, we seem to have lost any capability of that now.

Any bets on when Nasrallah becomes PM of Lebanon?

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