Monday, April 03, 2006

Brief reappearance

Two papers down, three to go. But I had to mention this, as it seems noteworth - Harper wants to tinker with the Constitution.

Let me say two things. First, this is a bad idea politically and practically. I don't believe any of the party leaders has the skills necessary not to turn this in to a gigantic mess, including my favored leaders. If Harper wants to mess with the Constitution, he's going to be herding cats. Angry cats. Possibly with rabies. So I say go for it Stevie!

On the other hand, the dynamics of a minority government are different, and maybe (just maybe) different enough to make a deal workable Federally. Problem is the provinces. It's possible that Ralph Klein's impending departure could make a window of opportunity for some kind of Constitutional change. However, it's just as likely that whoever replaces him will keep thumping the anti-Ottawa case.

Finally, it goes without saying that the changes Harper is likely to want are all but certainly going to be bad for Canada.

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