Monday, March 06, 2006

User Hostile

I almost wish I'd watched the Oscars last night, just to see the film industry's pathetic attempts to hector people in to not buying DVDs. Apparently, they're getting desperate.

Let's be clear - there is no, none, zero threat to the "movie industry". There is a GIANT, unstoppable threat to the movie theatre industry. People are spending way more money on DVDs, because guess what - a pair of admission tickets to a first-run theatre costs as much as most DVDs do - about $23 for two people, last time I went. The movie industry doesn't need to compete with pirates - it needs to compete with the comfort, convenience, and cost of DVDs.

I don't think they can do it.

1 comment:

catnip said...

I'm with you. It was a pathetic attempt to get people back into the theatres. Maybe if they'd lower the damn prices, they wouldn't be losing business.