Friday, February 03, 2006

Whiny Ass Babies

So... it's good to know that the Muslims of Europe have decided not to overreact to a freakin' cartoon:

(Via The Talent Show.)

"Your 9/11 is on it's way!!" Classy. Congratulations for getting "your" right, even if you put an apostrophe in "its".

Now, I understand that religion is a touchy subject, but if Christianity can endure the living, breathing mockery of its values that is Pat Robertson, Islam can survive an editorial cartoon. And by the by, somehow this really sums up that whole "Clash of Civlizations" thing:

Seriously. You respond to a cartoon implying your religion is unusually violent... by holding signs in the street calling for another 9/11, "butcher" and "slay"ing those who defile Islam.

I wonder what the Arabic word for Irony is?

None of this makes the cartoon itself any less noxious, by the way. It takes serious mental damage to insult someone, then wonder why they're so upset.

It reminds of guys I used to know, who thought they could get away with saying anything, so long as the suffix "no offense" was used. As in "you're a total asshole, no offense." Guess what, Danish cartoonist, wherever you are: Images have meaning, like words do. In fact, I seem to remember a saying about the relative value of pictures vs. words...

I understand that these are, as far as I can tell, isolated signs. For all I know, all of the other protesters were peaceful, and excellent representatives of their religion. But when you've got some douchebag slamming muslims and wondering why they're all cranky, and another guy saying "Freedom go to hell" I just gotta wonder what's wrong with some people.


Anonymous said...

What a mess. Are some people over-reacting? Of course. But that's no excuse to be belligerent, which is how I'd characterize the response of those newspapers who have chosen to run the cartoons to "show solidarity in support of the freedom of the press."

What the hell. That's not the issue here, and it never was. A Danish newspaper ran something that was viewed by some as grossly insensitive. It upset some people, who complained to the paper. The paper told them off. That upset them even more. Enough to get them to go do some muck-raking ... And here we are.

I wonder what the red-state response would be to a cartoon that showed the Pope anally raping Jesus ( Jesus). Really. Would it be much better?

Anonymous said...

Well, it appears my comment was a bit ill-informed. It appears freedom of speech is an issue here, inasmuch as certain middle eastern governments are trying to sanction the Danish government over the issue.

From that angle, I can appreciate a bit more the antagonizing response of other European newspapers. I'm still not convinced they're helping, though.