Monday, November 21, 2005

Moment of Levity: The George W. Bush School for Special Children

Just in case you haven't seen this picture yet:

But seriously. What a sissy:
Mr Bush answered a range of questions before one reporter said: "Respectfully, sir - you know we're always respectful - in your statement this morning with President Hu, you seemed a little off your game, you seemed to hurry through your statement. There was a lack of enthusiasm. Was something bothering you?"

The president answered: "Have you ever heard of jet lag? Well, good. That answers your question."

The reporter asked for a follow-up question but the president then thanked the attending journalists and said "No you may not" as he walked away.

He strode from the lectern to the door, trying both handles and then breaking into a laugh.
Presidents have been unmade by images like this. Thank you God.

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