Monday, September 05, 2005

Miscellaneous Musings

For some reason, it's far more difficult to say goodbye to a loved one after a long summer of togetherness than it is after several years of mostly being apart. Weird. I imagine I'll get accustomed to being away from Vicki again, but until then I can't really work up a lot of concentration for a long post. Until then, some thoughts:

-I've seen heard of Kanye West's performance on NBC Friday night. Excellent for him, I say. However, the reaction of some is kind of bizarre. NBC censored the west coast feed, and CNN was talking to Bush the father and Babs, and when Kanye came up they seemingly refused to use Kanye's proper name - he was referred to as "someone" over and over again. We know who you're talking about!

-Speaking of, how long is Bush I going to pretend he isn't Bush II's father? On CNN, he said "I know this president, and he cares..." Well shit George, no duh. I would hope you know him.

-I recently bought one of these gizmos that has 100 or so old retro Nintendo games loaded in the controller, and I have to say that games were harder when we were younger. Compare Super Mario Bros (the original) to Super Mario World for the SNES. One starts you out with 3 lives, no save points, and it's really difficult to get new lives. Super Mario World, meanwhile, is much, much easier - it's easy to get extra lives, there's plenty of save points, and then there's the not-inconsiderable fact that the controller is easier to hold. Of course, if this trend continues our children will all be able to win games shortly after turning them on.

-Seriously, John Roberts has been a judge for 2 years, and now he's nominated for Chief Justice of the United States? Hell, I've been a PoliSci student for three years. What do I get, and when?


RP. said...

"Hell, I've been a PoliSci student for three years. What do I get, and when?"

If you're like me, your very own taxi, three years from now. (Offer not available in any city where owning and operating a taxi is a profitable endeavour). ;)

john said...

Seriously? Cool... I knew that degree was going to come in useful.