Thursday, September 08, 2005


Not exactly surprising, but Bush's approval rating has probably hit the basement floor. 38% of Americans approve, 58% disapprove. Considering that 40% of Americans call themselves conservatives, what this essentially means is that Bush has lost ALL of the independents. (The idea that conservatives would muster the spine - or the brain cells - to abandon Dear Leader is still not worth considering.)

Still, the mind kind of boggles that almost 40% of Americans "approve" of the job Bush has done. We can only conclude that 40% of the American people are okay with the mass killing of poor people.

You know, Orson Scott Card once wrote - before he went insane - that the American people no longer desire to be well-led. There's a more terrifying thought, though: What if they think that this IS good leadership?


Mike said...

Well, that is quite a frightening thought eh? That they think GWB is good leadership. Man, I wonder what they would consider bad leadership.

Maybe Kenny Chesney has an opinion on this...


Anonymous said...

A writer (I don't remember where) spoke out on Katrina and conservatism. He said that conservatives believe government should be limited to its core functions - and that disaster response like Katrina WAS part of that core function.

Someone else (I don't remember where) said that the neocons had taken every 1960's criticism of conseratives - as the self-serving racist rich, and taken it up as policiy.

Taken together, we have the Fox News and Rush Limbaugh age of "conservatism."

There was a theory of responsible government in there at one point, but it has become burried, by a populist machine that presses the old buttons, but serves cronyism at best, and an ENRON-style rape of the country at worst.

I wouldn't mind honest "conservatism" making a come-back, but only after the Fox-Limbaugh monster dies.

Anonymous said...

BTW, clean up your spam.

john said...

Anonymous: BTW, clean up your spam.

Eh. Aside from the Acne medication spam - which was mildly annoying for someone not that long removed from the vicissitudes of puberty - the spam doesn't bug me too much. If it gets significantly worse, I'll probably look in to some countermeasures.

Of course, one obvious one would be to disable anonymous comments, anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Heh. I don't think history quite supports tht grouping.

I don't think people would dismiss good old Benjamin Franklin, "patron saint" of anonymous writers, ... as nothing more than a spammer.

Of course if you don't want the next Ben posting to your blog (I wouldn't pretend that is me) ... it's up to you. Go ahead, halt "anonymous" - shut out reporters - make everything look neat - GWB couldn't do better!