Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Oh, Beeb, Have You Learned Nothing?

World scientists urge CO2 action

The science academies of the world's leading nations are urging their governments to take prompt action to combat possible climate change.
Mr Bush has consistently stressed the uncertainties of climate science.

But the statement will make it much harder for him to scorn the scientific consensus.
See, it really won't. It's been a "scientific consensus" for more than a decade now. Hell, it was a scientific consensus back in the late 1980s, when the COP process (which led to Kyoto) began. But for Bush and the rest of the American right, evolution, global warming, and on some days gravity, are all "just" theories designed to lead American children down the path of Marxism and Satanism.

All Bush has to do is talk about "fuzzy math", and 53% of American voters will turn their frontal lobes off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't trust them scientists anyhow. They read too many books.