Monday, June 06, 2005

Karla Who?

Could we all please shut up about Karla Homolka for a minute? Really? No? Damn.

I understand people are legitimately concerned about Karla's propensity to re-offend. And I understand the desire of the families to see some actual repentance. And I understand the disgust that some people feel over the light punishment that Homolka got.

That said, there are other things going on in the world. Like this:
The preliminary hearing for the man charged with murdering nine-year-old Cecilia Zhang got underway today in a Brampton, Ontario courtroom.

Min Chen, 22, is charged with first-degree murder in Zhang's death.
Or this:
NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. -- After two days on the job, the judge presiding over the murder trial of Robert William Pickton has stepped aside, delaying the complex multiple homicide case.
It would be nice if, just once, the media had some sense of proportion - Pickton's accused of killing two dozen women, and the last time I saw his name in a headline was weeks ago. Meanwhile, Homolka's dress, hair color, and possible romantic engagements are all parsed from here to doomsday and back. Somehow, I get the impression we just don't care as much when non-whites go missing.

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