Saturday, June 04, 2005

Bizarro World

PUERTO RICO — America's military buildup, particularly its positioning of hundreds of missiles armed with multiple nuclear warheads, is a threat to global security, Minister of Defense Cao Gangchuan said Saturday.

Cao rebuked America at a regional security conference here, saying it was pouring huge resources into its military and buying large amounts of sophisticated weapons despite facing no threat from any other country.
Meanwhile, back in non-bizarro world, such as it is:
SINGAPORE — China's military buildup, particularly its positioning of hundreds of missiles facing Taiwan, is a threat to Asian security, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Saturday.

Rumsfeld rebuked China at a regional security conference here, saying it was pouring huge resources into its military and buying large amounts of sophisticated weapons despite facing no threat from any other country.
Once again, Rumsfeld continues to lack a clue. China's modernization drive, and it's build-up, are really nothing compared to the vast sums of money and energy being applied by the US defense establishment. And for Rumsfeld to say that China doesn't face a regional rival must require such incredible balls. Gee, seems to me there's a major regional power, with bases in Okinawa, Japan, South Korea, and a 55-year history of supporting China's enemies. I'm pretty sure the Chinese know exactly who their regional enemy is, and Rumsfeld has quite a bit of influence on the leadership - hell, he is the leadership. If there were any signs of sanity in the US Defense industry, I'm pretty sure the Chinese would calm down, too.

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