Sunday, May 01, 2005

Two Quick Links

Pertaining to Canadian stupidity: First, this horror story out of Quebec, where black farm workers were kept in segregated in a blacks-only cafeteria that "lacked heat, running water, proper toilets, refrigeration and many other amenities." So... nope, no race problems in Canada. Move along, everybody. Nothing to see here.

And secondly, this piece about David Suzuki getting slammed by... environmentalists. Yep, the Green Circular Firing Squad continues, as Suzuki backs a "controversial" wind farm project in Alberta, while other fog-headed greens oppose it because it will ruin their view. This is infuriating - wind power will never meet all of our energy needs, but it can meet a substantial fraction (usually pegged at about 1/3) and does so without any emissions, and cheaper than any other green alternative. You'd think we'd jump on this, but no, we're all worried about the "dangers" of windmills.
"I am concerned that the real issue at stake here not be lost in the hype involving a big name like David Suzuki," said Shirley Bray, a director with the Calgary-based Alberta Wilderness Association.

She is among a group of environmentalists worried about the landscape being spoiled, grasslands being torn up, birds being sliced and approval of this development leading to more development.
Yeah, I bet you want to avoid getting in to a fight with David Suzuki. Hell, I'm a young guy, and I'm pretty sure he'd kick my ass.

Oh, and that bird-killing thing? A myth. Or at least so miniscule a concern that we'd be morons to base a decision on it. And, to worry about the effects windmills have in Alberta, with all it's oil exploration, is retarded.

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