Monday, May 30, 2005

More Tech Stuff

Cory Doctorow is an activist with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and also an SF author who's released his books under a Creative Commons license - essentially, you can download his books without fear of a knock on the door. Anyway, I just discovered his blog, and he's got an interesting talk on the movie and music industry's assault on new technologies. You can watch the whole thing in quicktime, or download the MP3. I'd reccomend the mp3 - the video isn't particularly special.

I've been very pleased to see the left become more conscious of Open Source knowledge as an "issue" for our side. Of course, this stuff needs to be encouraged and protected by the government. It would be nice to know if the NDP has a view on this, but their website currently sucks beyond description - I can't seem to find a link to the platform, which I'd found just a few weeks ago.

Not encouraging, from a tech point of view.

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