Saturday, April 02, 2005


Seriously.... a labor shortage in China?! Will wonders never cease. Perhaps Flocons was right.. or maybe it was Vicki... maybe they were all just cardboard cutouts.
No one thinks China is running out of workers. But young migrant workers coveted by factories are gaining bargaining power and many are choosing to leave the low pay and often miserable conditions in Guangdong. In a nondemocratic China, it is the equivalent of "voting with their feet."

March is one of the most important hiring months for China's factories, yet some analysts believe that the current shortfalls are the beginning of a long-term trend that is already bringing wage pressures and could eventually erode China's position as the world's dominant low-cost producer.
Good for China. Good for the world, really. Except for Walmart, possibly. But who the hell cares about those assholes?

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