Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Space Nerdery Reborn

Boy, you gotta love the Bush Administration. When they need someone to man the UN Ambassadorship, arguably America's most important diplomatic posting, they choose John "I want to destroy the UN" Bolton.

Meanwhile, when it comes time to pick the head of a totally inconsequential government agency - NASA - they get loads of good press for choosing a man who is an unabashed fan of human exploration of space. So... does that mean that a guy who was opposed to space exploration was in the running to be chief of NASA??!!! I guess they figured they already blew up one shuttle, so NASA doesn't need the Bolton treatment again soon.

Apparently, the Bush administration has now set the bar so low, it's not even expected that a presidential nominee even be mildly interested in their prospective job. Then again, when you look at the President... still, part of me wonders where this will lead...
Candidate: Vote for me!
Voter: Why?
Candidate: Meh. Beats watchin' reruns. Plus, I want the nuclear missile codes.

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