Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Hee hee

Lester Brown of the Worldwatch Institute visited China recently. Compare and contrast:
The AFP's coverage:
"I have a feeling we are on the edge of big changes. It is still difficult to see how this will develop but we are clearly pushing the envelope in so many ways and all at the same time," Lester Brown, the US-based director of the Earth Policy Institute, told AFP. "It could be runaway oil prices, climate change, there are so many things that can happen, food stocks could fall, grain prices could rise, water scarcities increase."
Now, how the People's Daily covered it:
"Lester Brown, president of Earth Policy Institute, a well-known international institution dedicated to the cause of environment protection, said during his speech at Peking University that he is confident on China's capability of ensuring its food security in light of the new global food security challenge."
God Bless the Chinese Press. They just made my day.

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