Thursday, February 03, 2005

Gay Marriage IV

Alright, I abused my school's online privileges to find the National Post article on their poll. Actually, it's really quite funny. Roughly speaking, the divisions are between gay-haters (Hetero Marriage only), love-me liberals (civil unions) and people conceding reality (actual equality.) So what are the percentages?

From Pravda's own article:
29% said the marriage law should not be changed at all, 36% favoured maintaining marriage as a heterosexual institution but creating a "civil union" category for gay couples, while 35% said gays should get full marriage rights. [emphasis mine]
That's right everyone - the civil unionists have a staggering 1% lead over those of us who think equality matters! We might as well all surrender to the Christian right, right now! Oh, how wrong I've been... Stephen Harper, show me the error or my ways!

Later in the article, a pollster gives the Conservatives (NEVER call them the Tories) the worst election advice ever:
"I guess the Conservatives, after a few seasons of lackadaisacal performance, have an issue that ought to favour them." he said. "Whether they have the skill to use it, I don't know. But objectively speaking, they have an issue that unifies them and divides all their opponents."
I think the Conservatives should hire this man immediately. Please please please let them fight for the 29% of the country that already votes for them anyway, while showing themselves to be the bigoted crazies they are. We should be so lucky.

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