Thursday, February 10, 2005

The Canuckistan Soviet

In accordance with CRTC regs, I've been trying to increase my consumption of Canadian Content in my daily blogging. In the process, I came across Kung Fu Monkey, an American-Canadian (why not?) who has a great post about US-imported Homophobes and Canadian identity. It's a longer post, but this line really caught me:
This is what defines Canada's virtue to me. Canada does not convert. Canada heals. Canada leads.
Is it just me, or does that belong on our license plates, bumper stickers, and money? Canada Heals. Canada Leads. It reminds me of a editorial the (I think) Guardian ran after our guys were killed by the US in Afghanistan. The world needs Canada.

As reading week comes up, I'm going to try and put up a list of links on the side - here's hoping it doesn't destroy the site. Kung Fu Monkey will definitely be on it.

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