Thursday, January 13, 2005


The Guardian UK has a really good piece about the success Argentina has had in essentially telling the IMF to fuck off, we'll feed our people first thank you very much. Now, if only the rest of the world can get their act together. I suppose the still-young African Union could try and pool their debts to try something like this. What's the saying? If I owe you $100, I've got a problem. If I owe you $1 million, then you've got a problem.

Meanwhile, the search for nonexistent weapons complete (and at least 20,000 Iraqi dead later), the chorus of American commentators advocating that the US leave Iraq grows by one important Republican - Jim "Fuck the Jews, they don't vote for us anyway" Baker. And yes, I think Baker should always be cited with his most memorable quote - it reminds us what kind of people the Republicans are.

Day off tomorrow - more blogging then.

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