Saturday, January 08, 2005

Firefox/Thunderbird Review

For those who don't already know, Firefox is the latest open-source browser from the Mozilla organization, Thunderbird is it's email counterpart.

Just download them, okay?

Now, I've been using Mozilla for a long time, but I read that older versions of Mozilla have various security flaws that could be fixed by upgrading to Firefox/Thunderbird. So I downloaded, them, installed them, and upon opening each one found that they transfered my bookmarks, address books, emails, EVERYTHING flawlessly. (Because I was already running Mozilla, if you're switching from IE, results may not be the same.) Meanwhile, Thunderbird comes with an RSS reader - which is perfect for anyone who reads lots of blogs (like yours truly.)

Mozilla was already a better browser than IE, and Firefox/Thunderbird surpasses Mozilla. Do yourself a favour and get these two programs - the links above will bring you to the download pages. Oh, and the total time for the install and transfer - five minutes total. Maybe.

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